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What does Baseline Human Performance do...

Do you coach a team, run an organization or train athletes?

Are you an athlete or a parent of an athlete?

How do you know what to do for training and if it is right for you? 

The first two questions should be easy enough to answer, the third is probably more difficult. After 20 + years of coaching and training athletes of all ages and levels, I often pondered the same question:

"Although I think what I am doing is good based on my knowledge, education and experience, how can I be sure?"

Physical testing isn't exactly reliable or valid, and depending on the test, may not even give you information that is relevant to your goals. If you work with a whole team or group of individuals it is even tougher to organize. What you do to better one individual may very well hinder another. Most organizers, for the sake of time, simply put together one training program for all individuals in a group and hope for the best!

Now there is another option: 

Baseline Human Performance is powered by Sparta Science which uses the latest in machine learning technology to analyze, predict and identify the movement signature of each individual. This means providing an accurate assessment of how an individual generates, times and applies forces. Then it analyzes that information against over a million data subjects to predict certain commonalities of risk.    

With this valuable information, plans can be individualized, custom and focused on the needs of each individual. No more guessing and hoping. The athlete trains the area they need to train based on accurate information. 

Baseline Human Performance can help your organization thrive with flexible and affordable options for scans and plans.

...Whether you are a sport organization or a corporate business that needs to assess your employee physical readiness

Baseline can provide a solution for you.